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    Alike or Different?

    Scandinavian Approaches to Military Interventions

    Håkan Edström, Dennis Gyllensporre Editors

    The strategic decision making procedures of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are explored and compared in this book.

    Despite their different experiences during the Second World War Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are often looked upon as similar Scandinavian welfare states in many ways. However, their approach to the European Union and Nato in matters of security and defence politics, differs and this indicates that they might not be that similar after all. On the other hand they have all been active contributors to the efforts of conflict management by the international community. Providing military units to peace support operations all over the globe is consequently yet another similarity. In this book the strategic decision making procedures of the four states are explored and compared. The question whether the states are alike or different regarding the use of military force is hence in focus.

    Alike or Different?

    Editors: Håkan Edström, Dennis Gyllensporre

    Medförfattare: Tormod Heier, Harald Høiback, Mika Kerttunen, Johannes Riber Nordby, Mikkel Runge Olesen

    Bandtyp: Häftad

    ISBN: 978-91-7335-039-6

    Språk: Engelska

    Originalspråk: Engelska

    Kategori: Santérus Academic Press

    Etiketter: Svenskt försvar, Statsvetenskap

    Utgivning: maj 2014

    Format: 142x215

    Antal sidor: 214

    Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara

    Inkl moms och porto
    Håkan Edström

    Håkan Edström är docent i statsvetenskap och universitetslektor i krigsvetenskap vid Strategiavdelningen vid Försvarshögskolan. Han är gästforskare vid Uppsala universitet och University of Maastricht. Hans forskning är främst inriktad på doktrin- och strategiutveckling. Bland tidigare publikationer återfinns verk om militärstrategi i Norge, Nato respektive FN. Edström är yrkesofficer med grundplacering vid Ledningsregementet.

    Håkan Edström is an active duty Lieutenant Colonel in the Swedish Army. He is associate professor in Political Science and a senior lecturer in War Studies at the Swedish National Defence College. He has affiliations as Senior Researcher at the University of Maastricht and as Associate Research Fellow at Uppsala University. His research focuses on security politics and military strategy.

    Dennis Gyllensporre

    Generallöjtnant (ret.) Dr Dennis Gyllensporre är docent i säkerhetspolitik och strategi vid Försvarshögskolan och för närvarande gästforskare vid Oxford University.


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