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    Military Diplomacy

    Reflections by Former United Nations Force Commanders

    Håkan Edström, Dennis Gyllensporre Editors

    This book encapsulates the essence of peacekeeping leadership and expounds on the invaluable contributions of those who serve at the helm of the military component of the United Nations peacekeeping missions.

    In today’s dynamic geopolitical landscape, Force Commanders in United Nations peacekeeping operations play a pivotal role in the politico-diplomatic process for the accomplishment of the Mission’s mandate. Charged with the daunting task of leading multinational forces in some of the world’s most complex and often volatile environments, they are the torchbearer of the noble mission of safeguarding peace, protecting civilians, and contributing to the peacemaking and preventive diplomacy process. Lieutenant General Dennis Gyllensporre, drawing from his extensive experience as the Former Force Commander of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), along with the scholarly expertise of Professor Håkan Edström, provides a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted responsibilities and leadership challenges faced by Force Commanders. The themes covered in this book are not merely academic exercises, but reflections of real-world complexities encountered in peacekeeping operations. From the art of managing nonviolent military measures to the intricacies of military diplomacy and peacekeeping mediation, the book offers a compelling journey into the realm of peacekeeping leadership, drawing upon the rich experiences of former Force Commanders who have served on the frontlines of some of the most challenging peacekeeping missions.

    The book is also available in French. (978-91-7335-078-5)

    Military Diplomacy

    Editors: Håkan Edström, Dennis Gyllensporre

    Bandtyp: Häftad

    ISBN: 978-91-7335-076-1

    Språk: Engelska

    Kategori: Santérus Academic Press, Försvar och säkerhetspolitik

    Etiketter: Säkerhetspolitik, Statsvetenskap

    Utgivning: oktober 2024

    Format: 150*220

    Antal sidor: 258

    Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara

    Inkl moms och porto
    Håkan Edström

    Håkan Edström är docent i statsvetenskap och universitetslektor i krigsvetenskap vid Strategiavdelningen vid Försvarshögskolan. Han är gästforskare vid Uppsala universitet och University of Maastricht. Hans forskning är främst inriktad på doktrin- och strategiutveckling. Bland tidigare publikationer återfinns verk om militärstrategi i Norge, Nato respektive FN. Edström är yrkesofficer med grundplacering vid Ledningsregementet.

    Håkan Edström is an active duty Lieutenant Colonel in the Swedish Army. He is associate professor in Political Science and a senior lecturer in War Studies at the Swedish National Defence College. He has affiliations as Senior Researcher at the University of Maastricht and as Associate Research Fellow at Uppsala University. His research focuses on security politics and military strategy.

    Dennis Gyllensporre

    Generallöjtnant (ret.) Dr Dennis Gyllensporre är docent i säkerhetspolitik och strategi vid Försvarshögskolan och för närvarande gästforskare vid Oxford University.


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